Abstract This paper argues for the elimination of the surcharge policy of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It explores ...
Though it is one of the most dynamic regions of world capitalism, public knows little about South Asia. But the recent ...
We can't talk about Fanon without grappling with his analysis of violence and the psychology of oppression, especially during ...
Sheikh Hasina Wajed, the prime minister of Bangladesh for the last 15 years had to resign and run away from the country after ...
Is there a like without an IMF ? Debunking the Myth MARX SCHOOL special programme with Eric Toussaint, spokesperson, CADTM ...
“People’s Bank of Zanzibar” by missy from Cardiff, UK is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Extract from Social Movements and the Politics of Debt: Transnational Resistance against Debt on Three Continents.
As we head towards COP 29, the issues of climate finance and a fossil fuel phaseout towards a just energy transition are ever more critical for climate action. The upcoming UN General Assembly, the UN ...
Starting on 7 April 1994, in less than three months, nearly one million Rwandans – the exact figure has not yet been determined - were exterminated because they were (or supposed to be) Tutsis. Tens ...
In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The ...