When Olimpija plays Bravo in Stadion Stožice on 21st September 2024 at 19:00 (GMT+3), fans of the sport are well aware of the ...
Začela se je 25. sezona lige ICEHL (nekdanja EBEL), v kateri sodeluje 13 moštev, od tega eno slovensko HK Olimpija Ljubljana.
Ljubljana, 21. septembra - V Ljubljani bo ta konec tedna prireditev Mineralfest, eden največjih sejmov mineralov, fosilov in nakita v Sloveniji. Na sejmu, ki bo v Cankarjevem domu potekal danes in jut ...
Located where the Germanic, Mediterranean and Slavic worlds come together, Slovenia enjoys a happy hodgepodge of cultures ...
What is a funicular, exactly? As the word is derived from the Latin for “rope”, a cable is an essential part of its workings.
In a video promoting her new memoir, former First Lady Melania Trump offers a defense of her earlier nude modeling work.
Ljubljana, 20. septembra - Napoved dogodkov v Sloveniji in mednarodne dejavnosti Slovenije v soboto, 21. septembra. Celotna novica je dostopna le naročnikom. Novica vsebuje 5.663 znakov (brez ...
OXENHOPE tennis ace Fran Jones has bounced back well from her US Open injury heartbreak impressively, reaching semis in Slovenia and France ...
Bodočega ministra za vzgojo in izobraževanje čaka devet predlogov Mestne občine Ljubljana, ki želi urediti nekatere zadeve, ...
Here are the Cricket Betting Tips and Match Predictions for Finals Day of the ECS Croatia T10 2024 tournament to be played on ...
Luka Dončić is a Slovenian professional basketball player for the Dallas Mavericks of the National Basketball Association. He ...
Na UKC-ju Ljubljana so potrdili, da se spopadajo s tehničnimi težavami v informacijskem sistemu. Pričakujejo, da bodo težave ...