The Railway Board on Tuesday unveiled a Vande Bharat Express train, specially-designed to operate seamlessly in Jammu & Kashmir’s challenging winter conditions, for the upcoming Katra-Srinagar rail ...
FUTO’s 1st ICT International Conference has set a precedent that will undoubtedly inspire similar initiatives in the future.
"Being able to share a piece of my culture in India was something that I really enjoyed and it has given me a lot of ...
The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) only recorded as confirmed dengue cases people who tested positive via the IgM ELISA and ...
The makers of Paranu Paranu Paranu Chellan (PPPC) announced that the film, starring Rekha-fame Unni Lalu and Sidharth ...
Nimma Vasthugalige Neeve Javaabdaararu-is a kannada movie directed by Keshav Moorthy. The movie casts Dileep Raj, Shilpa ...
A team at the University of Calgary is making scientific advances in understanding plant adaptation, which could ultimately be used to find ways to make agricultural crops more resilient to heat ...
Trudeau to Resign as Canada’s Prime Minister: ‘It’s Time for a Reset’ Justin Trudeau announced that he was also stepping down as the leader of Canada’s Liberal Party. He will remain in ...
Vice President Kamala Harris announced Donald Trump’s win in a ritual that was considered ceremonial and uneventful before the Capitol attack in 2021. The Jan. 6 Rioters, 4 Years Later Hundreds ...
Throughout her life, the Princess of Cyprus or the “Damsel of Cyprus” (born circa 1177) was used as a political and diplomatic tool in the conflicts of men. She was the daughter of Isaac Komnenos, the ...
The Railway Board on Tuesday unveiled a Vande Bharat Express train, specially-designed to operate seamlessly in Jammu & Kashmir's challenging winter conditions, for the upcoming Katra-Srinagar rail ...