DEAR ERIC: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...
DEAR ERIC: My husband and I have been married 12 years and have known each other for 17. Both of our previous spouses passed, before we met each other. He has two daughters and a son. His son and ...
Dear Eric: I’m a 62-year-old female and have been married to my second husband (a 65-year-old male) for 30 years. Empty nesters. Never once has my husband divulged to me what his financial ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I have an active sex life. But, after sex, he says “Thank You.” I know he appreciates it, but I feel a bit cheap after hearing him say that. I would prefer something ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...
Dear Eric: I am a 63-year-old female who has been ... and anxiety to the point of full-blown panic attacks. This angers my husband immensely. He tells me “I’m crazy” and that I need to ...
Dear Eric: I have teen nieces and nephews who have been misled by their grandma — my husband’s mother — to believe everything my husband and I have will go to them someday. I told my niece ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I have an active sex life. But, after sex, he says “Thank You”. I know he appreciates it, but I feel a bit cheap after hearing him say that. I would prefer something ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...