Robert Tycko was trained originally as a physical chemist. His work includes contributions to magnetic resonance methodology, condensed matter physics, biophysics, and structural biology. He is best ...
At the US, my trajectory has been Johns Hopkins (postdoc), Yale (professor for 22 years in engineering, physics and mathematics, most of those yeas as the Harold W. Cheel Professor), University of ...
Richard Young is a Professor of Biology at MIT and a Member of the Whitehead Institute. He is a molecular biologist recognized for his work on gene regulation in health and disease. He is known ...
Peter Walter attended the Freie Universität Berlin, received his MS in Organic Chemistry from Vanderbilt University in 1977, and his Ph.D. in Cell Biology at The Rockefeller University in 1981. In ...
My interests revolve around human experimental and mathematical psychology (human information processing), specifically, short-term dynamics of visual representation, perception of time and temporal ...
My statistical research has been focused on the inference of high- or infinite-dimensional parameters from large data sets. Main theoretical results include the characterization of the large sample ...
Jonathan Sprent is a cellular immunologist specializing in the development and function of T lymphocytes. Following graduation from the University of Queensland Medical School, he received his Ph.D.
We explore the activities of certain genes that control circadian (daily) rhythms in Drosophila. Screens in our laboratory have identified six genes that are essential to the running of the fly ...
My research interests revolve primarily around the use and development of genetical techniques to identify the molecular base of physiological responses in plants. Particular attention is given to ...
As a developmental biologist, I have studied the underlying mechanisms that control flower and fruit development in the model plant Arabidopsis. Using genetics to isolate and characterize mutants ...