Protected health information from Ocean State's online health and human services platform may be part of the cache of personal data posted to the dark web. That has culminated in an estimated $21.9 ...
Chike Okeke, chief information security officer of data exchange company Concord, offers his perspective on the safe and secure transfer of protected health information. Janice Reese, program manager ...
After resolving how it will review updates to previously approved artificial intelligence-enabled medical devices, the agency will release its full draft proposal for market submissions. Through a ...
The sprawling health system believes artificial intelligence should never replace the judgment of clinicians and must be carefully assessed, says Dr. Daniel Yang, who offers a closer look at Kaiser's ...
A statistical analysis evaluated a refit of the Dementia AlgoRithm, which helps determine patients at risk for cognitive decline, using administrative claims data and found the new models could be a ...
An AI chatbot is helping clinicians explain how artificial intelligence models, fueled by evidence-based healthcare data, can speed research advancements and improve patient access.
The health system's proprietary model offers a clinically validated approach to identifying behavioral health patterns and risk stratification to help guide more targeted decision making and improve ...
"The usage of AI and automatic vulnerability scanning performed by the attackers allows them to find an exposed IoT device and conduct an attack on it much quicker than they used to be able to," says ...
If Cleveland Clinic’s ambitious five-year technology roadmap works as planned, 50 percent of outpatient visits will be virtual and 25 percent of inpatient days will instead be spent at home. By then, ...