Earlier, the German Foreign Ministry published a joint statement in which Berlin, London and Paris announced immediate steps to cancel bilateral air services agreements with Tehran and impose ...
The book demonstrates documents and tells facts about the difficult working conditions to create such vessels during World War II ...
Andrey Marochko noted that this development will allow Russian troops to "increase pressure" on the enemy and "expand the range of weapons used" ...
MOSCOW, September 11. /TASS/. The MOEX index increased by 0.14% to 2,675.16 points and the RTS index added 0.14% and reached 924.94 points on Wednesday. By 10:04 Moscow time, the MOEX index increased ...
"Is that big news that we could see yet another show performed by people who clearly take no responsibility whatsoever for their words?" Maria Zakharova asked rhetorically ...
The top US diplomat emphasized that the US cannot force the Israeli leadership to agree to the proposed terms, but will continue to try to convince it of the wisdom of such a step ...
Kiev may have deployed Azov militants for reinforcement and for "stabilizing the situation at problem sectors of the front line," Andrey Marochko surmised ...
The ministry added that the attack was carried out with air-to-air missiles on reconnaissance targets of the enemy ...
Wang Yi pointed out that against the background of unprecedented changes in the world, China-Russia cooperation "maintains the momentum for stable and healthy development" ...
During a televised debate, Trump claimed that Harris was sent to "negotiate peace," adding that Russia’s special military operation began "three days later" ...
NEW YORK, September 11. /TASS/. US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he wants the conflict in Ukraine to end. "I want the war to stop," he said a televised debate with Democratic ...
NEW YORK, September 11. /TASS/. US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not answer the question whether Washington benefits from the Kiev authorities' victory in the conflict in Ukraine, ...