The Free Enterprise Club and Adrian Fontes, Arizona's Democratic secretary of state, are battling again about the open ...
Open primaries and ranked choice voting are the worst forms of voting. That is why the two women who came to my house soliciting for open primary signatures lied to my face when I asked them if these ...
Open primaries solve this problem, because every voter, regardless of party affiliation, can choose from among all the ...
Question 3, which would implement ranked choice balloting and open primaries, will become part of the Nevada State ...
NOTE: This is the sixth of seven stories previewing the seven different ballot questions South Dakota voters will weigh in on ...
Amendment H was the main speaking point during a Sioux Falls Rotary meeting, hosting both proponents and opponents of ...
Idaho’s Republican Party is at a crossroads. The closed primary system we implemented in 2011 has distorted Idaho’s political ...
Amendment H was the main speaking point during a Sioux Falls Rotary meeting, hosting both proponents and opponents of Amendment H where they discussed the pros and ...
As November gets closer, you are going to see a lot of information about the “Yes on 1 for Open Primaries” initiative. Some ...
The GOP extremist have even been so brazen as to try to steal Idaho’s Great Seal. Moon’s effort includes a disgusting ...
Labrador’s main claim was that OPI proponents misrepresented the initiative and how it would work. That was easily repudiated ...
On Nov. 5, please vote your conscience rather than your party. Let’s make a statement. On Nov. 5, I’m voting for Prop 1, the Open Primaries/Ranked Choice Voting initiative. When the primaries were ...