The American supernatural horror film The Conjuring directed by James Wan revolves around the supernatural experiences of the Perron family, who moved into their new home at a farmhouse in Rhode ...
The lives of two siblings are upended by gang violence and the loss of a beloved video game in this haunting yet shaky French drama.
I accepted that role without my agents even reading the script,” Brody told me with a wry expression. “Night didn’t want ...
A SERIAL killer known as the “The Dusseldorf Vampire” mercilessly slaughtered nine victims and tried to drink their blood.
Although he made a science fiction epic with Ad Astra, a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age story with Armageddon Time, and ...
Overall, the exhibit was novel without distracting from its real and important message. It used the Greek chorus in a way ...
In an in-depth explanation of the movie's haunting, emotional ending ... filmmaker's narrative that repeatedly positions the real-life Callas — an esteemed opera singer — in a difficult ...
The Twilight Zone is full of bizarre stories and eye-opening tales, and some of them are rooted in real-life stories. One episode in Season 5 is based on an old tale in Alta, Utah. The story has ...
Using hours of haunting footage from friends, colleagues and family, Avicii - I'm Tim provides a harrowing insight into the Swedish DJ's life ... He said: 'The only real monetary goal I've ...