In sozialen Netzwerken kursierte daraufhin die Behauptung, die Impfung selbst sei für die Krankheit verantwortlich und Kinder würden durch eine Polio-Impfung "vergiftet". Das ist jedoch falsch ...
Die erste Runde der Impfkampagne gegen Polio im Gazastreifen steht nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation ... Überall, wo die Teams hingingen, taten die Eltern alles, was sie können, damit ihr ...
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) verhandelt mit Israel über neue Feuerpausen im Gazastreifen, um Kinder zum zweiten Mal gegen Polio impfen ... Sie sollen mit der Impfung auch Vitamin A ...
The first round of an international campaign to vaccinate children in the Gaza Strip against polio ended in mid-September, with nearly 560,000 kids receiving initial doses amid staggered ...
There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?" Later in the 1950s, Albert Sabin, a physician and microbiologist, developed a second polio vaccine. Unlike Salk's IPV, this vaccine was delivered ...
Lee Sherry has previously worked on a WHO-funded project to develop new vaccines for poliovirus. The Taliban recently announced that they are suspending its polio vaccination campaign in Afghanistan.
Nigeria’s difficult victory over polio faces a challenge as the poliovirus type 2 variant reemerges and the nation considers new measures to tackle the outbreak. Nigeria eradicated wild polio in ...
Authorities in northwestern Pakistan said Monday that a roadside bomb explosion injured at least 10 people, including anti-polio vaccinators and police personnel escorting them. The bombing in the ...
By Zia ur-Rehman and Christina Goldbaum Reporting from Peshawar, Pakistan, and London For a brief moment two years ago, Pakistan seemed finally on the verge of defeating polio. One of only two ...
The latest child to be affected by the paralytic disease is a 29-month-old boy in Hyderabad district of Sindh, the Regional Reference Laboratory for Polio Eradica­tion at the National Institute ...
Erst im vergangenen Jahr brach in New York die Polio aus. Der US-Bundesstaat rief ... weil ihre Atemmuskeln unbeweglich werden. Impfung und Therapie Die Krankheit ist unheilbar.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has set about vaccinating hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza in response to the Palestinian enclave’s first polio ... at the Sabin Vaccine Institute ...