Galaxy M94| This image captures the galaxy Messier 94, located in the small northern constellation of Canes Venatici (the ...
With satellites already visible in the night sky with the naked eye, this huge increase in the number of near-Earth orbiters ...
Astronomers will soon begin a search of 2,800 galaxies for signs of advanced alien civilizations using a radio telescope in ...
Researchers have discovered an extraordinarily aligned gravitational lens system, dubbed the Carousel Lens, that involves a ...
Elon Musk's Starlink satellites aren't just physically junking up Earth's orbit, but are actually interfering with radio ...
Thus far, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has used strategies based on classical science—listening for ...
The Phantom Galaxy (M74) has been imaged in infrared and optical light using the James Webb Space Telescope and Hubble Space ...
Schöfbänker has also cross-haired with his equipment the "KH-11 Kennen" electro-optical satellites that were first introduced ...
The mirrors for NASA's Near-Earth Object Surveyor space telescope are being installed and aligned, and work on other ...
Astronomers have been worried about congestion in orbit ever since SpaceX began launching batches of satellites for the ...
Hubble Space Telescope image of the Carousel Lens, taken in two 10-minute exposures, one using an optical filter and another using an infrared filter. The “L” indicators near the center (La, Lb, Lc, ...
Astronomers have previously noted that optical telescopes are struggling to cope with bright streaks of light caused by ...