DEAR ERIC: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I are in our mid-70s, married more than 50 years. He has been physically disabled since our mid-30s, has some form of OCD (never officially diagnosed because he refuses ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...
Dear Eric: I have teen nieces and nephews who have been misled by their grandma — my husband’s mother — to believe everything my husband and I have will go to them someday. I told my niece ...
DEAR ERIC: My husband and I have been married 12 years and have known each other for 17. Both of our previous spouses passed, before we met each other. He has two daughters and a son. His son and ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...
Dear Eric: I am a 63-year-old female who has been ... and anxiety to the point of full-blown panic attacks. This angers my husband immensely. He tells me “I’m crazy” and that I need to ...
Dear Eric: My husband and I dated long distance for a year before we married. During this time, he told me he had post-SSRI syndrome. After stopping the medication, he could still “perform ...
Don’t let him clutter up that process for you. Dear Eric: My husband and I have been married 12 years and have known each other for 17. Both of our previous spouses passed, before we met each other.
Dear Eric: I want to get rid of my junior and senior ... cut out pages with my photograph before disposing of the books. My husband does not approve of this plan (either cutting the books or ...