# ROYAL Bahamas Defence Force Commodore Raymond King said the country is expected to deploy a five-member team to Haiti at ...
# PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis announced last night that his administration has approved a margin increase for gas ...
# ACTING Coroner Kara Turnquest has summoned 14 police officers linked to killings that resulted in adverse inquest findings ...
PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said the public is right to be concerned over the Royal Bahamas Police Force probe into ...
PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis last night gave a wide-ranging interview touching on a host of issues affecting the Bahamian public. Buckle up, it’s time to take a ride through some of the many ...
# MORE than 100 illegal structures in the T-Wash shantytown on Cowpen Road will soon be demolished, according to Craig Delancy, buildings control officer at the Ministry of Works and Family Island ...
# A HISTORIC hotel collapsed yesterday, sending debris across Baillou Hill Road and destroying a neighbouring home. # The historic Reinhard Hotel, just off Meadows Street, began to collapse shortly ...
SAHARA dust is the reason for a quieter than predicted hurricane season so far, according to acting director of the Bahamas Department of Meteorology Jeffrey Simmons. Mr Simmons attributed this year’s ...
HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville said yesterday he is concerned about the state of mental health in The Bahamas following a number of reports of attempted suicides. His comment ...
AN 17-year-old male was granted a conditional discharge yesterday after he admitted to failing to sign in at his local police station while on bail for armed robbery for three months. Senior ...
AN 18-year-old male was remanded into custody yesterday accused of holding up a convenience store on Bacardi Road.  Senior Magistrate Shaka Serville arraigned Dwayne Wilson Jr on a charge of armed ...
HEALTHCARE administrators from across the country gathered for the opening of the Health Administrators Conclave at Breezes Resort yesterday, where key government officials outlined an ambitious plan ...