Discover how Farmer Neil Young’s blooming idea is spreading joy and smiles. A simple yet delightful way to make people’s days brighter.
Industry leaders are pushing the government to fix post-Brexit veterinary issues with a new EU deal, as the sector faces millions in losses annually.
All bird keepers in England and Wales must sign up for the new compulsory register within two weeks, regardless of how many birds they own.
Senior Defra officials were urged to provide more support to upland farmers during a meeting at Westmorland County Show. NFU members highlighted the financial losses of more than £10m in support to ...
Discover how a North Wales company’s new trailer design has earned high praise from an MP for its innovation and ingenuity.MP applauds North ...
Farm leaders have introduced a new All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) aimed at helping MPs and peers understand the significance of British food security. The APPG for Food Security, launched by ...
Aberdeenshire’s Stuart Wood dominated the Dutch Texel sale at Carlisle, selling two high-priced males and buying the lead two females.
Camera Club member Jimmy Thomson took this stunning shot of the evening harvest near Portsoy. Experience joyful connections, photography insights, and creative sparks with The Scottish Farmer Camera ...
Breeding sheep values soared at the Euro Continental sale, with pure Texel gimmers achieving record-breaking prices, some exceeding £700.
Just shy of 6000 North of England Mules, Suffolk and Texel cross ewes and gimmers were forward for Penrith and District Farmers’ Mart's annual show and sale which saw an overall average of £203.95.
Dairy farmers must focus on feed efficiency to reduce carbon emissions and meet new GHG targets, with contracts increasingly tied to sustainability.
MSP Finlay Carson voices concerns over the limited time given for local businesses and residents to respond to the proposed Galloway National ...