ANALYSIS: Though Democrats — and Harris herself — have said it differently over the years, Republicans are the ones who ...
Harvard Faculty for Israel aims to strengthen ties with Israeli universities amid pro-Palestinian demonstrations.
Columbia University has a new committee to investigate oil and gas industry funded research. However, committee leaders would ...
A watchdog organization released a “Hate Map” highlighting hate both directed at and originating from colleges and ...
The Pacific School of Religion is hosting a series of workshops this fall that make the case Christian voters have a duty to ...
The pleas from Gliwa and Bisram, quietly accepted by Alachua County Court Judge Meshon Rawls two weeks ago, represent the ...
Harvard University has begun asking prospective students to recall a time when they strongly disagreed with someone as the ...
Blueprints are in the works for a Catholic trade college in Springfield, Illinois. San Damiano College for the Trades is ...
A Brown University trustee announced his resignation over the weekend in protest of what he described as a “morally ...
Public universities should be barred from spending on faculty and student dues and conference costs to academic organizations ...
An anonymous person reported a University of Minnesota professor to the bias team for using the phrase “piñata of shame” in ...
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently ruled against LGBT activists who sought to prevent religiously ...