From early beginnings in engineering to thought-leadership in health and safety, Becky now heads up Culture Kick, a ...
The author of The Fearless Organisation is righting the wrong. Tim Marsh takes a look at Amy Edmondson's new approach.
Hannah Eales and Kathryn Sheridan at Kingsley Napley discuss the Building Safety Act, and its domino-effect on competency ...
A company has been sentenced after a 62-year-old worker fell 10 metres to the ground and died during the construction of a new university facility.
What issues arise as you travel the culture change curve? Sarah Prince at Tribe Culture Change shares her insight.
A North London food manufacturer has been fined £150,000 for failing to prevent access to dangerous parts of machinery.
A poor and sometimes cavalier attitude to fire safety and tenants’ concerns on the part of many of the organisations involved ...
The team at Addleshaw Goddard provide an overview of the key legal developments since the Grenfell fire in June 2017, ...
The Grenfell Tower Inquiry reveals how a refusal to learn lessons and an obsession with deregulation on the part of central ...
A landlord has been given a suspended sentence of 26 weeks and electronically tagged for 4 months after putting the lives of ...
Tom Chaldecott, Machinery Safety and Legislation Consultant at Knox Thomas provides insight on staying on top of compliance ...
Poor safety management and insensitivity to residents’ concerns characterised landlord’s failings at Grenfell Tower, ...