An ongoing depletion of knowledgeable nursing staff at nursing homes, such as the Minimum Data Set (MDS) coordinators, is ...
At the heart of many successful workforce initiatives that nursing homes are pursuing to increase the number of workers is ...
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, along with some of his top aides at the time, may have allegedly made false or misleading statements during the ...
Negotiating power with Medicare Advantage (MA) plans may become easier as nursing homes explore participation in bundled ...
Challenges stemming from gaps in medical data along the health care continuum and a lack of seamless sharing of crucial ...
As federal agencies push for ownership transparency, nursing home ownership changes have been linked to a decrease in staffing hours and in turn a drop in ...
Recently established Journey Healthcare, led by industry veteran and former CEO of Majestic Care Bernie McGuinness, announced the acquisition of four ...
The sale of 15 bankrupt nursing homes in Pennsylvania might be under jeopardy, putting more residents in the state at risk of being displaced. The sale is ...
Half a dozen nursing homes in New Jersey have filed a lawsuit against the state's minimum staffing mandate, challenging its constitutionality.  They are ...
The Ensign Group (Nasdaq: ENSG) acquired the operations of the seven skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) in Colorado totaling 760 beds, along with a 102-bed ...
Strawberry Fields REIT completed two separate acquisitions totaling $19.25 million of four Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) located in Tennessee and ...
Nursing homes may incur an additional $25 million in fees annually and $164,9000 in annual administrative costs to federal and state agencies as a result ...