CCFP is holding its sixth annual Ambassadors of Peace Gala (AOP), where they honor five individuals in entertainment for ...
Parshas Ki Teizei includes 74 mitzvos, however, Rav Chaim Epstein says that serving Hashem is not the result of following a ...
Rick Lupert, a poet, songleader and graphic designer, is the author of 28 books including “God Wrestler: A Poem for Every ...
A replica of the festival’s shade pavillion was erected in the desert for healing dancing and informing people about the Oct.
Last week the Safra Center in New York City held an event commemorating the 20th anniversary edition of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ ...
Nothing is normal in Israel after 11 months of war, after constant battles on three fronts, after 11 months of desperation ...
The filled and empty pools convey the journey of grief. Sometimes grief is visible and noticed. Tears flowing, our hurting ...
The newest creation by the school’s online arm, known as YU Global, has entered into a new partnership with Hillel Yeshiva ...
Mizrachi learned poker “by watching people” and was 18 years old when he began to serve as a dealer on a Fort Lauderdale ...
Dear all, My most important meeting yesterday was when Maya and Eli came by Temple Akiba for a surprise visit. After raiding ...
A plant's root can become a stem, and vice versa. Though a human being's terminus ad quem is not his precursor, his roots ...
Since its launch in 2020, YIVO’s online museum has had close to 51,000 visitors from an astonishing 161 countries, from ...